The Common Ground Teen Center is an operation made by The Academy of Adolescent Health, for teens from ages 14-18 to have a safe place to go to and spend their time doing things they enjoy. The Teen Center is "ran by teens for teens", meaning that whenever you go to the Teen Center there will be no adults
in the building, it is ran by a staff of high school seniors that were handpicked by the owner of the Teen Center, Mary Jo Podgurski.
The building is owned by W&J and rented to us so we can have a safe place away from violence to learn and grow as people. Along with being a teen "safe haven" the Teen Center is also home to many different programs that go through many different Washington County public schools.
The Teen Center requires you to sign a contract stating you agree to listen to the rules and regulations of the Teen Center, the contract helps us have order in the building.